We welcome as members individuals and organisations who care for Hammersmith
As a Member, you will receive regular updates outlining our activities, giving you the opportunity to participate in consultations and campaigns. We'll invite you to our Awards Evening and AGM, and other events. Members are always encouraged to take an active part in the work done by the committee – come along and see if you can help.
The membership year runs from 1st Jan, and only costs £6 for individuals, £8 for couples or families, and £15 for organisations. Additional voluntary donations always welcome.
Our vice-chair, Melanie Whitlock and her family have recently decided to move to Edinburgh after living in Hammersmith for a long time, Melanie has been a stalwart of the Society for at least 38 years. She has been on the committee since the 1980’s, chairing the Society twice, with a long stint from 1984-1990 during which she created our Awards, and again from 2009-2012. She has in many ways been the backbone of the Society for nearly 40 years, a fact recognised in a civic honour in 2019. We wish her the fondest of farewells.
You can read more about her time as Chair in two sections of the 50th anniversary review written at the end of her second tenure in 2012. Our President, Prof. Hans Haenlein said a few words of appreciation at her recent leaving party, which are reproduced below:
Many thanks to Annabel for hosting the ‘Farewell to Melanie’. I am sure we have all come here with very divided emotions. For me there are 2 in particular: 1. Back in the late 50’s my tutor, Arthur Korm, who knew about my musical obsession, persuaded me to design a new Edinburgh Festival Centre for my final diploma project. My first exploratory visit to this city caused me to fall in love with it beyond redemption. 2. Shortly after qualifying as an Architect I moved to Hammersmith and was persuaded by Gontran Goulden, the founder of the Hammersmith Society, to join him in his new enterprise in 1963. You will have guessed where this is going. Melanie joined the Hammersmith Society in 1983, since when we have never looked back. The growing Environmental Awareness in the 1980’s, Melanie’s love for Hammersmith and its people, her way of thinking and communicating, as well as her boundless energy, supported by her husband John and family, have been the greatest gift she has so generously shared with us for nearly 40 years. Our emotions are overwhelmed by the thought of losing her. However, Melanie’s & John’s decision to set up home in my favourite city of Edinburgh makes me better understand the power of Goethe’s concept of Transformation as it applies to Melanie, John and their family, which will enable them to move effortlessly ‘Onward & Upward’ from London to Edinburgh in accordance with the famous C.S. Lewis ‘Narnia’ quote. HH 18.10.21 |
Chairman Richard Winterton writes:
Melanie Whitlock has been one of the driving forces of the Hammersmith Society for over 30 years.
The Hammersmith Society is a community amenity society which strives to protect and enhance the urban environment of Hammersmith: this ambition needs vigilance to keep abreast of the continual changes proposed for the borough, requiring time, tact and patience to meet with participants from the developer teams to negotiate the best way forward.
Melanie has devoted so much time representing the community to promote and support improvements and good ideas, and resist the bad ideas, for the borough. Melanie was chairman of the Hammersmith Society twice (1984-90, 2009-12), vice-chair for almost as long. She has been active in the demanding late-evening meeting regime of OPDC planning. She is a member of the Hammersmith Residents Working Party panel, which has been working on a new SPD for Hammersmith Town Centre, and is one of three LBHF commissioners working on the West King Street Town Hall redevelopment.
For over 20 years Hammersmith has been enjoying, and continues to undergo, a period of transformational redevelopment: as Hammersmith Society chairman Melanie prepared carefully considered and reasoned advice on countless major development proposals, providing a benchmark reference in planning debate which has won credibility and respect in the planning community.
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