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Our Committee member Richard Jackson has long been campaigning for a statue of Brown who lived on Hammersmith Mall for 13 years at the height of his career. He moved here to be near the numerous tree and plant nurseries in the area. 2016 is the 300th Anniversary of his birth. It seems others around the country are equally keen on the project. Richard writes “Following the three television programmes ‘Titchmarsh on Brown’ (More 4) which featured Hammersmith and the rediscovered drawings of an unbuilt landscape in the Belvoir Castle archive, we were contacted by Laury Dizengremel, the Artist-in-Residence at Belvoir Castle who is offering to erect a lifesize realistic statue to Brown in a public place, paid for by public subscription. This dovetails in with our proposals perfectly.
The eminent landscape historian, John Phibbs, had recommended Hammersmith to her as a suitable site. With the enthusiastic support of the Leader of the Council, Cllr. Stephen Cowan, we have started to sound out local amenity societies with a view to finding an appropriate site . . . This is a project whose time has come. . .”
It understood that several Mall sites are being considered but it seems unfortunately there is still some local opposition to the project.
For more information on Capability Brown, visit www.capabilitybrown.org
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