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The membership year runs from 1st Jan, and only costs £6 for individuals, £8 for couples or families, and £15 for organisations. Additional voluntary donations always welcome.
The Council recently released their latest ‘H & F planning news’ : This may be accessed by visiting The planning section
The main change here is the introduction on 1 September 2015 of ‘The Community Infrastructure Levy’ or CIL as it is referred to. The news bulletin explains what this is for and how it will be charged on all relevant planning applications for creation of new dwelling or floorspace over 100 square metres. The article does not fully explain how in most cases CIL will replace Section 106 contributions. However, within the above website link you can read how CIL and Section 106 contributions work together. (Councils cannot apply both to the same development).
Heathrow vs Gatwick
Further to my News Update of 8 July, this rumbles on with many articles in the Press and arguments amongst potential candidates for the London Mayor next year.
The London Forum of Civic and Amenity Societies have commented extensively. Visit www.londonforum.org.uk
HACAN (Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise) have also published extensively. They are organising a Central London Protest Rally on 10 October at 11am. Visit hacan.org.uk and www.no3rdrunway.co.uk. The latter has the official map showing potential flight paths. Our member Christina Smyth who also headed up the Council Commission on Heathrow, has been asked to join HACAN’s Management Committee, so we should be getting news updates from her.
As reported in my last News Update, there were consultations recently on the Car Giant proposals and for the new HS2/Crossrail Station for Old Oak Common. I thought the Car Giant proposals seem to be heading in the right direction :
Visit www.oldoakpark.co.uk
We would like to see more use being made of the canal and there is much detail to be developed before an expected planning application is submitted by the end of this year.
But the current proposals for the HS2 station are dire beyond imagination. (See attached images). The ‘photo montage’ purports to show what the new station might look like in 2041 : But there is no reference to the proposed development around the station – 24,000 new homes : 55,000 new jobs. The station looks like a massive – well, bus shelter? – which has landed from outer space with no connections to its surroundings. And why have a whole raft of sidings for Crossrail suddenly appeared in the middle of the development area? (East of the station). Local groups including the Grand Union Alliance and Friends of Wormwood Scrubs are also rightly incensed. If this is how HS2 treat local people, it is not surprising that there is so much opposition.
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The Davies Commission has now been published. Its main recommendation is in favour of a Third Runway at Heathrow, but does not rule out the possibility of a Second Runway at Gatwick.
Read the full report
Unsurprisingly the recommendation for Heathrow in particular has prompted a torrent of articles and commentaries. Below are some of the places where these can be found :
Other sources include the regular blog from Andy Slaughter MP, the Chiswick W4 newsletter and many others.
Hammersmith and Fulham Council commissioned its own resident led report earlier this year – as previously reported. Our Vice Chairman (and former Chair) Melanie Whitlock was one of the members of the panel.
The report and update comments can be seen at :
There was very welcome news in July 2013 when the Council announced that it was withdrawing its plans for the Town Hall redevelopment. The new leader, Cllr Nick Botterill, said the Council would be going back to the drawing board, that new proposals for the site would go no higher than the Town Hall extension and it would listen to residents and amenity groups in order to find a more acceptable solution. The footbridge over the A4 will no longer be part of the scheme. That, and the reduced height, will be a tremendous relief to local residents.
Meanwhile we and Save Our Skyline will be pressing for an early meeting with the Council to seek to ensure a good design solution to this vexed site and to incorporate retention of the cinema in a reinvigorated form to give real regenerative boost to the area. Many congratulations are due to Save Our Skyline for their highly effective campaign without which this turnaround would not have happened, and to all the thousands of residents who wrote and emailed the Council, the Mayor of London and the Government.
Reminder from Rosemary’s last newsletter : There is a suggestion from the Council that registering the building as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) would provide an additional level of protection. Rosemary Pettit is currently assembling this application.
In Hammersmith we tend to forget that Fulham Palace is one of our greatest assets.
The former Palace of the Bishops of London is Grade 1 Listed and although we think of it as Tudor which much of it is – and even older than Hampton Court – it actually dates back to the 1100s. There is much going on there and just to walk through the grounds – especially the walled garden – is a great pleasure.
The Palace has just passed the first hurdle in its latest bid for a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund which will enable it to tie up and complete the main programme of projects which has been on going for the last 15 years or so. A Local Advisory Group is to be set up with effect from the Autumn of this year. If you are interested in being involved please contact me.
For general information visit : www.fulhampalace.org
It seems that Thames Water are causing quite a storm of their own with their high handed approach to selecting sites for these works. No-one denies the need for this project designed to reduce the risk of properties being flooded by sewage.
My office has been flooded twice and I know from personal experience how awful it is. It must be much worse if it is your home. See what Andy Slaughter has been saying on the subject in his current blog.
Please tell us how you think the Hammersmith Society can assist with this problem.
OPDC visualisation
As most of you know, the Mayor of London successfully persuaded the Government that he should manage the development and planning controls around Old Oak Common and Park Royal (also includes Wormwood Scrubs) in the same manner as the Mayor was responsible for the Olympics site. The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) became official from 1 April 2015. The Acting Chief Executive is Victoria Hills and the Chief Planning Officer is William McKee (formerly of this parish – Remember him?). Things are due to move fairly quickly and are all linked in with Crossrail and HS2 which will meet if all goes well to provide a station as large as Waterloo on the site. The Hammersmith Society have asked to be a major consultee and we are due to have a meeting with OPDC in the next two weeks.
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The Council are currently consulting upon introducing a universal 20mph throughout all roads in the Borough
Have your say at :
www.lbhf.gov.uk/20mph or e-mail
Closing date for comments 31 July 2015.
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