We welcome as members individuals and organisations who care for Hammersmith
As a Member, you will receive regular updates outlining our activities, giving you the opportunity to participate in consultations and campaigns. We'll invite you to our Awards Evening and AGM, and other events. Members are always encouraged to take an active part in the work done by the committee – come along and see if you can help.
The membership year runs from 1st Jan, and only costs £6 for individuals, £8 for couples or families, and £15 for organisations. Additional voluntary donations always welcome.
This continues to be hot news with regular features appearing in London papers and local news bulletins. This month Rosemary Pettit’s Resident-led Commission is taking evidence.
Rosemary notes that the background and purpose of the Commission are as follows:
Hammersmith and Fulham has the eighth highest percentage of early deaths attributable to nitrogen dioxide and to particulate matter air pollution in London, according to a report by King’s College London. The report, commissioned by the Greater London Authority and Transport for London, estimates that this contributes to the early deaths of 203 residents per year.
In response to this, Hammersmith & Fulham Council has established a resident-led Air Quality Commission to look into the problem. The Commission will engage with external experts and local residents in examining the causes and dangers of local air pollution and propose potential solutions to help reduce it. Hammersmith resident, Rosemary Pettit, is chairing the Commission, which will run for some 6 months and report to Hammersmith and Fulham Council.
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There are as far as we know no immediate threats to our Open Spaces in Hammersmith but we always have to be vigilant. For example, Wormwood Scrubs is within the OPDC area and there are anxieties as to what effects all the development may mean for this Metropolitan Open Land. Similarly Little Wormwood Scrubs (on the other side of Scrubs Lane) could be under threat from a re-arrangement of the West London Railway Line. There are of course always issues to do with Parks maintenance which have to fight for funds against other Council spending.
The Hammersmith Society is affiliated to the Open Spaces Society and they have concerns about open spaces in London generally. I would urge members to support their campaign as below:
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Of course, this is only one of many campaigns and informatives issued by the London Forum of Civic and Amenity Societies. Therefore it is entirely appropriate that we can congratulate its Chairman, Peter Eversden for his MBE in the New Year’s Honours.
Derek Chandler, Secretary of the London Forum wrote : Peter says he is delighted to receive the recognition for his volunteering work over the past 35 years in the civic movement but considers the award is for the achievements of London Forum’s team and of its 150 community groups and individual members across London.
Peter is also chairman of the Bedford Park Society, a past trustee of the William Hogarth Trust and a member of the Mayor’s Outer London Commission since 2009. He joined London Forum as a trustee in 1996 and became its chairman in 2001. Peter has been involved in the development of the London Plan since the GLA was created and the London Forum’s 25th anniversary in 2013 was celebrated for all its members by Boris Johnson at City Hall in appreciation of the work done by community volunteers.
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The first meeting of the group of local residents to review proposals for the Town Centre including the Flyunder took place on 3 December.
There are 25 on the panel and the Hammersmith Society Committee is represented by myself, Melanie Whitlock, Rosemary Pettit and Richard Winterton.
The first meeting involved a summary of the group’s terms of reference and what the Council hopes to achieve. The brief is wide ranging and ambitious. Meetings will be held once a month and the outcomes will influence the Local Plan and the Supplementary Planning Document proposed for the Town Centre due to be published in May/June. The next meeting on 21 January will include a briefing by Transport for London (TfL) on their various proposals for the Broadway site including a rumoured threat of 40 storey towers. We understand that the Council will issue progress reports on the Working Party from time to time.
This briefing event took place in the Town Hall and was useful and informative. There were 34 attendees and several presentations explained the principles and showed examples where Neighbourhood Plans had either been implemented or were still going through the process. Two separate initiatives are being pursued : Henry Peterson advises as follows :
Proposals for a neighbourhood plan for the Old Oak area continue to be developed, and the following residents groups and amenity bodies in Ealing and in Hammersmith & Fulham, are involved in current discussions.
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For those who find the planning system incomprehensible, our President Hans Haenlein recommends this ‘We Plan London’ animation.
The Hammersmith Society does not support the potential award for the brickwork at Ravenscourt House (site of the former police accommodation in Paddenswick Road – now student housing which we thought was a mediocre scheme) but we certainly support and applaud the Council for its tenacious efforts on Enforcement against unauthorised development, rogue advertising and the like.
I am delighted to announce that the local artist Ben Johnson has agreed to be our second Annual Honorary Member.
Last year its was Annette Albert. Hopefully Ben is known to most of you and he has an international reputation. He has lived in Hammersmith for more years than he cares to remember with Sheila his wife, and has a studio both at his home in Hammersmith Mall (usually open as part of Open Studios) and in Dalling Road which he shares with Peter Blake. He does extraordinary super realistic pictures, painstakingly crafted and his most famous are probably his views of Liverpool, Jerusalem and Hong Kong. He is currently working on a fantastic painting of the Alhambra Palace and other Muslim buildings. He currently has a major retrospective exhibition ’Spirit of Place’ in Southampton City Art Gallery. He has done much to promote and support Hammersmith.
For more details of Ben’s extraordinary work, visit www.benjohnsonartist.com
Best wishes
Tom Ryland
The Hammersmith Society
Campaigning for over 50 years
Our Committee member Richard Jackson has long been campaigning for a statue of Brown who lived on Hammersmith Mall for 13 years at the height of his career. He moved here to be near the numerous tree and plant nurseries in the area. 2016 is the 300th Anniversary of his birth. It seems others around the country are equally keen on the project. Richard writes “Following the three television programmes ‘Titchmarsh on Brown’ (More 4) which featured Hammersmith and the rediscovered drawings of an unbuilt landscape in the Belvoir Castle archive, we were contacted by Laury Dizengremel, the Artist-in-Residence at Belvoir Castle who is offering to erect a lifesize realistic statue to Brown in a public place, paid for by public subscription. This dovetails in with our proposals perfectly.
The eminent landscape historian, John Phibbs, had recommended Hammersmith to her as a suitable site. With the enthusiastic support of the Leader of the Council, Cllr. Stephen Cowan, we have started to sound out local amenity societies with a view to finding an appropriate site . . . This is a project whose time has come. . .”
It understood that several Mall sites are being considered but it seems unfortunately there is still some local opposition to the project.
For more information on Capability Brown, visit www.capabilitybrown.org
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Campaigning for over sixty years