We welcome as members individuals and organisations who care for Hammersmith
As a Member, you will receive regular updates outlining our activities, giving you the opportunity to participate in consultations and campaigns. We'll invite you to our Awards Evening and AGM, and other events. Members are always encouraged to take an active part in the work done by the committee – come along and see if you can help.
The membership year runs from 1st Jan, and only costs £6 for individuals, £8 for couples or families, and £15 for organisations. Additional voluntary donations always welcome.
The 12-page October Newsletter has been published and circulated to subscribing members. Subjects include:
If you’re not yet a member, please join us to receive our latest newsletter. All newsletters that are available to download can be found here
We were sorry to see Rosemary Pettit step down at the AGM and we wish her well in her role as Lady Mayoress, but are pleased to welcome Chris Tranchell who was elected. The Committee now consists of Hans Haenlein – President, myself as Chairman, Melanie Whitlock – Vice Chairman, Annabel Clarke – Hon Secretary, Richard Tollemache – Hon Treasurer, Richard Farthing – Membership Secretary, Richard Jackson – Newsletter Editor, Angela Clarke, Richard Winterton, Annabelle May, Julian Hillman, Derrick Wright, Chris Tranchell.
Our next Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday 11 September. Please contact me or any of the Committee if you would like matters to be raised.
This a small local scheme on the site of the current Nicholas Mee (Aston Martin and Lagonda) garage building but which has caused much heat in the locality.
We have written in support of the objections by the Hammersmith and Fulham Historic Buildings Group and the Brackenbury Residents’ Association. They consider the application design to be unsuitable for the site and the street context, and their letter records their objection and comments on the proposals (see attached). The application details are 2017/02065/FUL Garage site at 12 Wellesley Avenue W6 0UP.
Despite objections from us, the Council and most other consultees, the OPDC Committee have continued to approve schemes in Scrubs Lane, the latest being Mitre Bridge which is the site immediately on the left after the canal bridge going north. This involves a 19 storey tower and many of the units are being promoted on the basis of ‘build for rent’. Another scheme with another tall tower is being launched next week for the Nursery Site at the top end of Scrubs Lane. No-one knows at this stage what effect the Grenfell fire will have on the construction of these towers which all involve single escape staircases.
We continue to challenge the very high densities proposed in the OPDC area which result in these tall towers. We hope that the latest lowered growth predictions by the GLA for London may enable some reductions.
We were concerned to learn in the Spring that the development was unlikely to proceed because of differences between the Council and the developers, King Street Developments.
This has now been confirmed and it seems the scheme is completely dead. This is very disappointing in view of the past history and the community effort (Save Our Skyline et al) to get to where we had got. We have repeatedly requested information from the Council as to how they see a new scheme proceeding and how the benefits of the previous scheme can be retained.
For several months we had reported the impending Appeal of the 2015 proposals for the site by the developer Romulus. Just before the public hearing, the Inquiry was postponed by the Inspector ‘for personal reasons’. No new date has so far been offered. In the meantime, the developers and their architects, Allies and Morrison have prepared a new proposal which although very similar in appearance to the Appeal scheme has been reduced in size to overcome some of the principal objections both from the Council and local groups.
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The controversial scheme which has taken up a lot of our time this Spring has now been approved by the Council’s Planning Committee on a 4:2 vote after a long discussion. This is for the revised scheme of 22 storeys reduced from the original 28 storeys.
Members of your committee had a preliminary meeting with representatives of QPR and Thames Valley Harriers on 24th April to hear outline plans for incorporating a new stadium on this site.
QPR and Thames Valley Harriers are exploring the possibility of a partnership that would see a new football stadium and community athletics facility at the Linford Christie Stadium. The idea is still at a very early stage – no plans have yet been published – but QPR and TVH are engaging early with local schools, residents, charities and community groups to listen to their views about the area and whether it could be improved.
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H & F ArtsFest this year is taking place between 3 and 11 June : Events in Lyric Square and elsewhere. Visit www.hf-artsfest.com
London Festival of Architecture for West London kicks off with an exhibition and launch at the St Paul’s Church Centre on Tuesday 20 June. The theme is Memory and there will be various events, building visits and guided walks over the following two weeks.
Details will be viewable from next week at www.westlondonlink.com or www.hammersmithlondon.co.uk where you can also find information about HammersmithBID’s programme of Summer Events in Lyric Square.
These are referred to as boxes but are actually big steel slabs with a telephone mounted on one side and an illuminated rolling advertisement display on the other.
They are being promoted and installed by BT and are clearly principally a means of raising revenue while purporting to provide a public service. They are usually mounted across and therefore blocking the footway. We have complained to the Council about these and hope any future applications will be refused. Similar applications for several of these in Putney have recently been refused by Wandsworth Council.
Nominated for a wooden spoon award
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