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Things continue to move fast on the Mayoral Development Corporation : We have responded to two major consultations in the last month. (These will posted on our website shortly together with our version of the Vision and Objectives for the area).
The OPDC was only set up this April and is likely to exist for about 30 years until the development is complete. They are having to do catch up, appointing staff and so on. Since my last report the Opportunity Planning Area Framework (OAPF) has been formally adopted. But the team have a lot to do to assemble the formal Local Plan with all its statutory framework and consultations.
This huge project which will be based around the intersection of Crossrail/HS2 and other railway lines (and the Grand Union Canal) is set to be London’s next most major project with 25,000 new homes and up to 65,000 jobs claimed. The question is can it provide the massive new transport interchange, housing and employment targets at a human scale – and be an exciting, rewarding and original place for those that will live and work there and visit, and can it be done sympathetically to the existing local communities (in the three boroughs of Hammersmith and Fulham, Brent and Ealing)? Initial meetings and discussions with the planning team are encouraging. Can the developers be kept under control? There is a lot of good will and energy coming from the community and a wish to overcome some of the disasters in other Mayoral Development Areas and create a great place.
Meanwhile updated proposals by Car Giant and QPR are being presented over the forthcoming weeks, and the Parliamentary Select Committee for HS2 is continuing its enquiries – albeit they seem very hidebound by Parliamentary procedure and protocols.
For information visit : https://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/planning/old-oak-park-royal/planning-authority/
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