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Of course, this is only one of many campaigns and informatives issued by the London Forum of Civic and Amenity Societies. Therefore it is entirely appropriate that we can congratulate its Chairman, Peter Eversden for his MBE in the New Year’s Honours.
Derek Chandler, Secretary of the London Forum wrote : Peter says he is delighted to receive the recognition for his volunteering work over the past 35 years in the civic movement but considers the award is for the achievements of London Forum’s team and of its 150 community groups and individual members across London.
Peter is also chairman of the Bedford Park Society, a past trustee of the William Hogarth Trust and a member of the Mayor’s Outer London Commission since 2009. He joined London Forum as a trustee in 1996 and became its chairman in 2001. Peter has been involved in the development of the London Plan since the GLA was created and the London Forum’s 25th anniversary in 2013 was celebrated for all its members by Boris Johnson at City Hall in appreciation of the work done by community volunteers.
The London Forum is a charity established in 1988 by the Civic Trust to network, support, inform and represent its members across the capital, helping communities to build civic engagement and involvement with their local authority in planning, sustainable development, service provision and the improvement of localities.
On 8 January, Peter Eversden sent us this plea in connection with the Paddington tower and spread of very tall towers generally :
The petition on this subject which you will find by clicking here is very important to all community groups and London Forum contacts and I urge you to sign it and forward it to your own members and friends to sign also. It is urgent. The proposed development is contrary to planning policies and could set a precedent for putting very tall buildings anywhere, which the Skyline Campaign and London Forum have been opposing for several years. We will need petitions like this to make people in local authorities, at the GLA and in Government realise that context and character, harm to them and to local views and overloading of infrastructure must be taken into account in decision making. The London Plan states that all boroughs should have policies for where tall buildings are or are not appropriate. That has not been carried out for all parts of London and the character of our capital and communities could be harmed unless there is more control over what types of high density developments are achieved and in which locations, to meet London’s housing and office needs.
Historic England has updated recently their guidance on Tall Buildings and it must be taken into account by borough decision makers.
Historic England – Tall Buildings (full document)
Please take action on this short term opportunity to express concern about unsustainable development and damage to our localities.
I am asking Civic Voice to promote this petition also, as developers’ aims to build tall blocks could adversely affect any town and city.
Peter Eversden
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