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The membership year runs from 1st Jan, and only costs £6 for individuals, £8 for couples or families, and £15 for organisations. Additional voluntary donations always welcome.
We have reported previously on the progress of the Local Plan which is now with the Inspector to make his final report.
In the meantime, the Council have issued their draft Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which covers much of the nitty gritty detail. Much of this is currently contained in the Development Management Local Plan document, which sits beside the Core Strategy. Once approved the new documents will replace both of these. The new document has been expanded to include some matters which are currently in the Core Strategy or the subject of existing SPDs.
Your Committee will be submitting a response to these proposals by the deadline of Friday 15th December.
If you wish to comment to either us or the Council, more details can be found on the Council website at www.lbhf.gov.uk/localplan
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