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Further to my News Update last week, we have received notice that there will be an ‘interim’ report to the Council’s ‘Community Safety, Environment and Residents Service Policy and Accountability Committee’ on Monday 29th January at 7pm.
You can see the Report here
This Committee is open to all and I strongly recommend you attend if you can. (Unfortunately I shall be away).
The report is completely noncommittal and there appears to be no recognition of the considerable local opposition both in Hammersmith and Chiswick where there are various active anti-CS9 groups and petitions.
It seems neither Council want to make any commitments until after the Local Elections on 3rd May.
If you read the report, you will see that Hammersmith’s ‘Consultation’ comments to TfL are just tinkering with the proposals : There is no reference to looking at the alternative ideas which so many of us were advocating.
Unfortunately the issue is in danger of becoming a ‘party political’ one which I would prefer to see avoided, but difficult to achieve if the administration does not acknowledge or discuss the huge concerns by residents and local businesses.
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