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The statue was finally unveiled at a ceremony on a glorious afternoon on 24th May in front of an invited audience. Unfortunately the original Guest of Honour Sir Roy Strong was unable to attend due to ill health but the organisers were delighted that Gilly Drummond, Chairman of the Capability Brown Festival Celebrations 2016 was able to take his place, together with Cllr Michael Cartwright in his role as Mayor. Gilly is also Chairman of the English Heritage Historic Parks and Gardens Panel and President of the Association of Gardens Trusts.
The Leader of the Council Stephen Cowan, MP Andy Slaughter and the sculptor Laury Dizengremel were also in attendance. Celebrations continued in the Blue Boat Pub nearby.
The location of the statue is on the newly adopted riverside walk at Distillery Wharf, but unfortunately the statue has been removed temporarily to rectify a slight wobble, but will be returned in about two weeks.
Congratulations especially to our Committee Member Richard Jackson for making the project happen, raising the necessary funds and overcoming so many obstacles along the way.
Following the success of this statue, it seems that plans are now afoot for another statue to commemorate William Morris. Watch this space!
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