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The membership year runs from 1st Jan, and only costs £6 for individuals, £8 for couples or families, and £15 for organisations. Additional voluntary donations always welcome.
Environment Award 2018
TV Centre redevelopment
Conservation Award 2015
Hammersmith Station
Conservation Award 2011
20 St Peter’s Square
Environment Award 2022
The Palladium, Shepherds Bush Green
Nancye Goulden Award 2022
The Elder Press Cafe
Nancye Goulden Award 2014
Temple Lodge
Environment Award 2018
Queen's Wharf & Riverside Walk
Environment Award 2021
Quaker Meeting House
Nancye Goulden Award 2003
Ravenscourt Park walled garden
Special Award 2015
The Eventim Apollo
Nancye Goulden Award 2013
The Ginger Pig
Nancye Goulden Award 2018
St Paul's Girls School Pavilion
Jane Mercer Award 2022
The Green Project (Shepherds Bush)
Nancye Goulden Award 2018
2A Loftus Road
Nancye Goulden Award 2011
Phoenix School Caretaker’s House
Environment Award 2016
Dunnhumby building
Nancye Goulden Award 2019
Hammersmith Grove Parklets
Nancye Goulden Award 2017
20 St James Street
Conservation Award 2012
St Peters Church
Environment Award 2015
Dorsett Hotel
Tom Ryland Award for Conservation 2021
Mission Hall, Iffley Road
Environment Award 2015
Waldo Road, College Park
Nancye Goulden Award 2021
245 Hammersmith Road Landscaping
Conservation Award 2010
St Paul's church
Environment Award 2010
Burlington Danes School
Nancye Goulden Award 2019
Paintbox Studios | Coffeeology
Conservation Award 2017
Bush Theatre
Environment Award 2008
Maggie's centre
Tom Ryland Award for Conservation 2019
St. Augustine's Church
New buildings at Burlington Danes School, Wood Lane, W12. Sally Coates, Head teacher, and John Cahill and Matt Weyham of Barnsley Hewett and Mallinson, the school’s architects, received the Award. The Society’s committee were highly impressed by the quality of the design of the two new buildings, and the attention to detail, which means they fit very well with the original 1930s buildings (designed by Sir John Burnet, architect of the Royal Masonic Hospital).
St Paul’s Church, Hammersmith. The Rev Simon Downham and his architect, Malcolm Fryer of Richard Griffiths Architects received the Award. After years of concealment under shrouds and the scaffolding, at the end of last year a beautifully clean and restored church was revealed. The committee praised the exceptional quality of the restoration work, and said it was like having an old friend returned to the community. They did regret that there is still an irritating advertising hoarding facing the Broadway, and new construction hoardings have gone up around St Paul’s Green to allow the building of the new extension at the western end, but these are both temporary drawbacks.
For the ones that got it all wrong. The first Wooden Spoon went again this year to the Council for its policy on Advertising Hoardings. Last year the Society awarded a Wooden Spoon to the Council for its advertising hoarding beside the A4 which obliterates the view of the Ark from the flyover, and for allowing the extended advertising on St Paul’s Church and to the Apollo, not to mention the introduction of street banners.
Since then, things have gone from bad to worse. The real new horrors are the two Towers beside the flyover which appeared over the last winter. These towers are not only enormous, but they grow out of the ground below and these digital images are so appallingly bright as to be not only offensive to passers-by and a possible distraction to motorists, but the light pollution also causes distress to nearby local residents. The Committee asked whether this is really the way we want to introduce people to the Borough of Hammersmith? The second Wooden Spoon also went to the Council for allowing the use of a large area on Shepherds Bush Green as a compound in connection with the renewal of Gas Pipes in the adjoining streets, which is ugly and unsightly and ignores the fact that Shepherds Bush is ‘Common Land’.
Click on an image to see Award winners, Wooden spoons, and where recorded, the related Nominations.
Explore our Awards and Nominations through the interactive map below. Pan and zoom, select the menu from the icon in the top left bar of the map
Click on a pin for a popup which shows what we have recorded about it - client, architect etc. with links to a picture where available, and the relevant awards page. The complete list of Awards & Nominations is available here in spreadsheet form:
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