We welcome as members individuals and organisations who care for Hammersmith Planting Tree in Wormholt Park for 90th Birthday of the HM Queen

As a Member, you will receive regular updates outlining our activities, giving you the opportunity to participate in consultations and campaigns. We'll invite you to our Awards Evening and AGM, and other events. Members are always encouraged to take an active part in the work done by the committee – come along and see if you can help.

The membership year runs from 1st Jan, and only costs £6 for individuals, £8 for couples or families, and £15 for organisations. Additional voluntary donations always welcome.

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Featured Award Winners

All Award Winners, arranged by year

Click on an image to see Award winners, Wooden spoons, and where recorded, the related Nominations.

Awards Map

Explore our Awards and Nominations through the interactive map below. Pan and zoom, select the menu from the icon in the top left bar of the map

Click on a pin for a popup which shows what we have recorded about it - client, architect etc. with links to a picture where available, and the relevant awards page. The complete list of Awards & Nominations is available here in spreadsheet form:


Enables the separator bar (with css)

Our Diary

  • Committee meeting

    📆 Mon 24th Feb | 18:00 - 20:00
  • Committee meeting

    📆 Mon 7th Apr | 18:00 - 20:00
  • Good Friday

    📆 Fri 18th Apr

Recent News

Plan hierarchy

The planning system has become the whipping boy of our new government, blamed for many of the country’s economic ills. The government wants to to ‘cut red tape to speed …

Earls Court: Warwick Square proposed

The size of the hybrid planning application for Earls Court – 826 weighty documents – means that to address it meaningfully needed substantial resource. We teamed up with local civic …

Rivercourt LTN council information

Last year, we were contacted by residents of Rivercourt Road concerned about the increased traffic they said they were experiencing. Rivercourt is the road formerly running one-way towards King Street …

Bikes near a Copenhagen Station

Will Norman, London’s cycling Czar, has been promoting Danish cycling culture for a decade, usually without mentioning it by name. So, on a recent trip to Copenhagen, it seemed worth …

2024 AGM

(AGM Photos: Franco Chen. Click for full-size versions) We were delighted to announce our 2024 Awards at the AGM at 245 Hammersmith Road on Monday 30th September. The Awards were …

255 Hammersmith Road

Since the election of the new government, we’ve seen a significant rise in medium to large offices in Hammersmith being proposed for conversion to residential use, under Permitted Development (PD) …

Our History

Houseboats, Lower Mall
The images are also available as an online montage or downloadable (large, 40M) pdf montage ...
Hamsoc AGM 2012
Hans Haenlein remembers some early successes of the 1960s and 1970s The Society’s job is to be actively interested on behalf of all Hammersmith residents ...
Environment Award
  • The Society is set up in response to the damage done to Hammersmith by the widening of the A4
  • Stops a six-lane bridge ...
Capability Brown Statue unveiling
Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, described by Horace Walpole as ‘Lady Nature’s Second Husband,’ created landscapes on an immense scale that have endured for over 250 years ...
Hammersmith Study Group: Exhibition under Flyover
Our president Hans Haenlein remembers the Hammersmith Study Group... ...which I set up in 1969 with my students from the Polytechnic of Central London (now ...